UTD Homecoming and Weekly Updates!!

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November 12, 2013 by Kassiopia

This week the career center has a packed week for students of all majors! First this is first however. In honor of Homecoming doors have been decorated and they look fabulous! The career center door would love it if fellow UTD students voted for their door,#18, to win. Cast your vote here. You will need to use your net ID to vote.


Career Center Events

Tomorrow the career center will be have a professional resume building session, PhysAssist Information session, and a cover letter session.

The professional resume building session starts at 12 pm in SSB 3.107A. The session will help students develop an effective resume from scratch which tailors to the students relevant skills, experience, and activities. They will provide resume samples in order to help the students.

The PhysAssist Information session starts at 12 pm in JSOM 1.502. If you are looking to gain medical experience before pursuing medical school or PA school you ought to attend. PhysAssist Scribes is accepting applications for full time and part time positions. They will have a representative talking about the benefits of being a scribe and answers your questions.

Finally, the cover letter session starts at 1 pm in SSB 3.107. This session is all about creating an effective cover letter, business letter, thank you notes, the list goes on. Business letter samples will be provided to further assist the students.

Don’t Forget Homecoming

That is it for updates this week. We urge you to attend the amazing homecoming events! Homecoming kick off starts tomorrow at 12 pm in the student union mall. The Bookstore is sponsoring a fall fashion show featuring the latest in Comet Spirit wear with students, faculty, and alumni as models. For more information on the amazing homecoming events please go to the Homecoming website.

See you next week and GO COMETS!! WHOOSH!!

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