Career Expo Time!!

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January 27, 2014 by Kassiopia

Hello Comets!!

After a brief hiatus, welcome back comets!!! This week the career center is gearing up for the Career Expo. Every comet knows the drill. Every fall and spring semester the Career Expo gives graduating, and experience gathering, students an opportunity to meet with companies who present jobs or internships in the students field of study. Before the expo, the career center hosts events to prep students for the most career information fed day, or days, of their college career.

Work the Career Expo Like a Pro
  • Tuesday, January 28th, 2014
  • 11am – 11:45am
  • Located in SSB 3.107A

Learn the purpose of a Career Expo and how to make it work in your favor. Presentation includes helpful tips regarding what to do before, during, and following the Career Expo.

Create a Career Expo-ready Resume
  • Tuesday, January 28th, 2014
  • 12pm – 12:45pm
  • Located in SSB 3.107A

Designed to help you develop effective resume from scratch, including strategic key words, formatting, and structure. Resume samples will be provided to help you develop your resume into a specific, job oriented resume that brings out your relevant skills, experience, and activities.

Additional Career Events

Additional career center events include:

For more information on Career center events or comet careers please visit the Career Center website.

First DEI Meeting of the Semester

We’re changing things up this year by having the DEI meeting first then hosting the event second. At this meeting, the event will be Work Place Behavior. Non-DEI members are welcome to attend the event as it will benefit anybody in any field.

Check back next week for more updates!!!

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