DEI Advisor and Officers

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Officer group picture 3

Delta Epsilon Iota is all about determination, enthusiasm, and initiative. The DEI officers are the embodiment of what DEI stands for. They are student leaders who dedicate their time to DEI in addition to attending class and/or holding down a job. They empower students to get involved in the organization and perform to the best of their ability.

Just as important as the DEI officers is our DEI Advisor. Our advisor is dedicated to shaping DEI members into upstanding citizens of their community. In addition to shaping DEI members into amazing citizens, our advisor also works in the career center to ensure DEI members are up to date with the latest job trends to secure employment.


Meet Our DEI UTD Advisor and Officers


Advisor: Jessica Elder


President: Maria Rodriguez

Amanda Guarado

Vice President: Amanda Guajardo

Curly haired girl

Secretary: Mayela Fernandez

Colton Kayfus

Treasurer: Colton Kayfus

Nora Alameddine

Director of Member Involvement: Noura Alameddine

Second Curly haired girl

Director of Community Engagement: Seehna Chokshi

Zain Abidi

Director of Social Events: Zain Abidi

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